And she volunteers at a Basset Hound rescue organization. 她还担任巴吉度犬营救组织的志愿者。
I got a basset hound, too, tri-colored. 我也养了一头巴吉度猎犬,三色的。
Crook& ( 1) the inward turn of the forelegs on short-legged breeds as in the Basset Hound. Morissette gave a creative and powerful performance in another song@ Utopia@. 前腿向内弯曲,通常发生在一些短腿的犬种如巴塞特猎犬。莫里塞特还创造性地、以极强的表现力演唱了另一首歌曲Utopia。
The Basset Hound possesses in marked degree those characteristics which equip it admirably to follow a trail over and through difficult terrain. 巴吉度猎犬具有下列几种显著的特点,巴吉度猎犬是一种非常优秀的痕迹追踪犬,可以在非常复杂的地形条件下工作。
One Atlanta reader wrote about taking along his seven-year-old Basset hound when he traveled to a wedding. 亚特兰年夜一位读者在信中说,有次他带着七岁年夜的巴塞特猎犬去参加婚礼。
Accidentally, my dachshund and basset hound gave birth to a mongrel. 一不留神,我家的腊肠和巴吉度生出了一个混血种。
The Petit Basset Griffon Vend é en is a scent hound developed to hunt small game over the rough and difficult terrain of the Vend é en region. 贝吉格里芬凡丁犬是一种嗅觉猎犬,培养目的是用来在崎岖艰难的芬凡丁地区捕捉小型猎物。
I'm a Basset Hound guy. 我这么喜欢巴吉度犬的人。
I subscribe to the newsletter, the basset hound bugler. 我还订了期刊,《巴吉度犬号角》。